Meet the Board of Directors

William Hewitt, PhD (W3FRB)

Executive Director

William Hewitt, PhD has always been interested in both education and technology. Bill holds advanced degrees in Information Science, Adult Education and Applied Economics. The majority of Bill’s career has been in the Financial Services Sector, solving problems using technology, data, and statistics.

Bill is also an educator. “Doctor Bill”, as his student’s call him, has been teaching economics and statistics for over 20 years.

Bill has been involved in local community since his youth. A Lifetime National Eagle Scout Association Member, Bill sees the value of youth education. 

Bill is also an Amateur Radio Operator, member of the local radio club, and ARES/RACES member for Montgomery County. His call is W3FRB.

Walt Skavinsky (KB3SBC)


Science and technology have been an interest of mine since I was young. The Education Alliance for Amateur radio (EAAR) has provided an outlet to share my interests. I have participated in the Boy Scouts of America programs for 40 years, as a youth and now as an adult. I currently enjoy being a radio merit badge counselor and find that amateur radio is a valuable tool to encourage youth to purse their interests in the science and technology fields. I look forward to the growth of the EAAR organization and the future generations who benefit from its programs.


Chris Wilcox (W3CJW)

Chris is an Emergency Management Coordinator at Ursinus College and holds a degree in Fire Science from the Montgomery County Community College, Chris is also a state certified firefighter and EMT. He is currently a volunteer with the Ringing Hill Fire Company and holds the position of Assistant Fire Chief.  

James Stauffer (KA3RMM)


James (Bill) Stauffer (KA3RMM) has been in Amateur Radio since 1987. Over the last 20+ years, he has held various positions within the emergency preparedness and the amateur radio communities . James’s prior amateur radio service includes various positions on the Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club Board (PAARC) and Technical Specialist for the Eastern Pennsylvania Section (EPA) of the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL). His community service included Borough Deputy coordinator for Emergency Preparedness and a volunteer Fire Chief.  James is currently an Electrical Engineer and Technical Specialist and volunteers for Scouting Radio Merit Badge.

Scott Newman (KC3KKW)

Scott Newman is the creator of a website dedicated to helping troops that need resources. Troop resource consists of curated videos, links to valuable resources, plus we produce videos specifically for Parents and Leaders to help their Scouts. 

Carl Deitrich (NQ3U)

Carl started out in amateur radio as a means to keep his mind sharp and learn something new. The HAM radio bug bit hard and he has been active in many aspects of the hobby. Right now he is trying to improve his CW (Morse code) speed and enjoys making contacts and rag chewing. Carl has been active in Boy Scouts since age 12 and he earned his Eagle Scout by his 15th birthday went on to receive a Silver Palm. He is a Vigil Honor Member in the Order of the Arrow and is a past Lodge Chief Kittatinny Lodge #5. As a young man he spent several years working on the camp staff at Hawk Mountain Scout Reservation in Schuylkill County.


Aidan Montare (KB3UMD)

Web Developer

Aidan became involved in Amateur Radio thanks to his father. He met the EAAR Directors through the local radio club, and looks forward to shaping the online presence of the organization. He is also an Eagle Scout and musician.


